Sunday, March 18, 2018

WE-#3 Respect

Respect is something that is given and receive. Respect is something you want others because you want them to treat you like they wanted to treated. Respect can define a person's personal experience and what they've gone through. Respect is something that earn. For me, when it comes to respect I can use help because sometimes when I speak to someone and how it comes out some take that disrespect.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

WE #2- Attendance

The work ethic attendance means to me is this when a person shows up to work and class on time, its letting your boss and teacher know that you have good attendance and that you're determine and focus on your job and your class. My attendance can be improve by me showing up to my class early and not showing up late because when I show up I miss half of the class and important information that the teacher gives us.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

WE #1- Character

What the work ethic character means to me is this character is how others see us as who we are as one individual. Character is how we handle ourselves in tough problems would we do what's right or would we do what's wrong and face the consequences. How I can improve with my work ethic character is how I let others look at me. How others look at me is not what I suspect it to be because they go off my character and not for who I really am.

Post #1 Introduction

My name is Ebony Jackson. I live in Bainbridge. I am a part-time student at Bainbridge State College. I am 25 years old. I have two handsome boys one is two years old and one is one years old. They can be a handful at times but I look at them as a blessing from God. My boys are what keep me motivate, determine, and to go hard because life is not easy and some don't want to see you succeed in life.